boy holding stock pot

Basic Skills or Gender-Based

I found out there are lots of chores and skills that have been gender-tagged. Even with proven facts that a boy-child has more muscle and stronger body build to do some things better than the girl-child, yet society, culture especially, parents still place unnecessary burden and expectations on the girl-child ALONE.

Hence, the boy grows with little or no skills in those departments. This has to stop. You need to train your children equally.

🌺 This is what i am advocating

🌺 This is the change i am craving

🌺 #Traintheboys just like the girls

🌺 It is our responsibilities as parents to teach the right thing.

🌺 If you don’t teach them these skills, they automatically assume it is not important.

🌺 The fact something has been existing for long does not make it right too

🌺 You and I can change the narrative. Your boys should be able to clean

Your boys should be able to prepare meals. Your boys should be able to put the house in order. This is 2020. GENDER is no longer and EXCUSE for indiscipline and laziness,


© Mrs Kush

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