I can’t say for sure that there are PERFECT parents because I don’t know and I haven’t conducted any research. But I know for sure that there are parents who make effort daily, parents who put in the required energy and commitment in the raising and training of responsible kids.
You can be that parent. You can learn and unlearn. You can learn and relearn. Together, we can do better and keep getting better at it.
Often times when I post ‘Don’t yell at your boys’, I get lot of comments like ‘No way’. ‘It is not possible’..’Thats a joke right’
The truth is if you continue to yell, you will get used to yelling which may make you become a ‘yellee’, passing no message. I believe that is not an English word
But the point is that they will stop listening and watch you rant.
They close their minds to whatever you say and that is why they can easily repeat the same thing you corrected because you successfully yelled and didn’t pass any message.
With conscious effort and practice you can stop yelling and start COMMUNICATING.
They need to hear your words and not just your voice.
Cheers to all parents and Parents in waiting.
© Mrs Kush
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