The Boys, Games and Toys
Toys and games are very essential in the development of a child. 21st-century parents need to understand this and also know the type of games and toys they should get for their boys. Some are so used to getting toy guns and maybe football for the boys. T ...
Routines: What About It?
Daily Routines for your boys is highly important. This should include their day-to-day, hour-to-hour activities. Daily routines will help them to: Manage their 24 hours well. Always ready for their duties and roles at home. Guide them through ...
Your Boys Can Be Anything
They can be kind They can be harsh They can be pleasant They can be wicked They can be anything you allow.
Basic Skills or Gender-Based
I found out there are lots of chores and skills that have been gender-tagged. Even with proven facts that a boy-child has more muscle and stronger body build to do some things better than the girl-child, yet society, culture especially, parents still pla ...
Create a Healthy Relationship or Nothing
Let us pick today for review and reflections. Cast your mind on the relationship and rapport you have with your boy-child. So how far? Is it Cordial? Is it Healthy? Are there uneasiness or any kind of resentment? Will the relationship ...