Why Train the Boys

Our Mission

1. We're committed to raising awareness to raise responsible boys
2. We intend to take homeless and abandoned boys off the street; grooming them to become better.

Our Story

The Train the Boys Initiative which kicked off in March 2017 started as a vision for raising awareness to build and support for boys as well as their parents.

This was borne out of the observation that the boy-child is often neglected when it comes to home training and in acquiring many other life skills. A lot of focus and demand is usually placed on grooming the girl-child resulting in having men who really cannot fend for themselves when they get into the stages of their life when they are meant to be independent.

Right from the start, a lot of people felt the passion and goal for the Train the Boys Initiative was misplaced. This was because they thought the campaign was an attack on men. A careful look will reveal that this is not the case. From our research and the number of years our Founder has spent working with children and teenagers, she observed that the issue can be traced to the boy-child upbringing. This is the reason the campaign is focused on young boys from the formative years through teenagehood.

Since 2007 when the campaign launched, we have made progress by organizing a number of active sensitization both offline and online. This campaign has also gotten the attention of various stakeholders resulting in the spread of the Boys Coaching Alert campaign at different organized programmes as well as via traditional television and on various online platforms.

As a result of these campaigns, we have been able to reach out to many parents who have become more conscious and dedicated to raising their boy-child just as they would do for their girls.







Do you believe in our cause and want to know how to lend your voice?